What’s New in the Latest Fouad WhatsApp Update?

This new version of Fouad whatsapp has several options and improvements to help you with your experience. The increased file-sharing limit is one of the key upgrades. The new limit is 1 GB, as opposed to the 700 MB max before. This bump up is for the case where you are required to professionally share other small documents and media files.

Enhanced support for customizations Among the 500+ new themes in this update, you will find a total of over 4500 available themes. The chat bubbles and ticks can be customised by the users which makes it a more user-friendly messaging solution. About 65% of Fouad WhatsApp users are happy with these customization features.

Upgrades in privacy settings. In a similar vein, the new “Anti-View Once” feature will let you see media sent with view once repeatedly so that they do not miss any vital details. There is also a separate option that allows users to control who can see when they have viewed their status. These privacy-focused features give users more control over how they interact in the app.

Aside from this, the app has also been optimized for performance and speed The app now loads chats and media 20% faster thanks to some optimisations. Also, 15% less battery consumption designed especially for lower-battery devices users.

The feature is now being called “Message Scheduler,” and it will let you schedule messages to be sent at a future date. This particular feature works well for businesses and professionals who want to time their communications into the future. This ability to schedule, according to industry reports could increase organisational communication efficiency by 30%.

The new update, of course contains bug fixes and security patches as well. The issues users reported and the app security was under pressure so these updates have been fixing this all. Fouad WhatsApp serves as a primary app for thousands of people, so it’s important that zero-day security bug does not threaten the app with any vulnerability.

The “Auto Reply” is the next major addition. This way the user can send automatic responses to unique contacts or entire groups, which helps in communicating with a lot of people when busy. This feature is good for a business that needs to keep the customer engaged without having someone respond front and center.

Here, the update also delivers some UI improvements for the app. The app has been made more intuitive to new users, with easier navigation and design updates. So you can rest assured, 10K+ users are signed-off and happy with these changes – meaning that a: the updates were already influenced by your needs b: we didnt mess up this time!

The update also improved backup options for users looking to keep their data backed up, making it more simple to save and restore chats & media. This improves the availability to back up data more often, now for primary or secondary storage area. Important information should not be lost this way and it diminishes need its reconstruction from scratch since due time many times would happen again is sure too long anyway!

Follow the official Fouad WhatsApp website for more information on latest features & download this update This will guarantee access to the superb security and latest version of the app so that you can make use of all new features & enhancements on offer.

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